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Ready-made investment portfolios designed and managed by professionals


return up to 25% per year


To start investing, you don't have to spend a lot of time and energy studying the market. A ready-made investment strategy designed by professionals will make it easy to get started in investments.
You can copy strategies into your portfolio by subscribing to them. A further rebalancing will be carried out automatically according to the strategy's structure.

You don't need to know everything about the market to begin investing professionally: all you need is an acceptable level of risk and a strategy you are comfortable with
Your portfolio will be automatically rebalanced, so you won't have to spend time analyzing the market

quick facts

return of all strategies In total
clients trust our ready-made strategies
years of service
Choose a strategy according to your expected return and your risk tolerance
chart with 3 graphs showing coservative, moderate ad growth strategies

7% per year

conservative strategy

Chart showing growth of capital for conservative strategy
Low Turn-Over, total return strategy with a bias to preservation of capital over market returns.

Series Funds and Diamond Funds are examples of safer OTC assets that offer guaranteed returns. If you're looking to rebalance your portfolio to better sustain inflation and global crisis, these could be a good option to explore.
Diamond fund
pie chart: 90% of diamond fund, 10% of equities

12% per year

moderate strategy

Chart showing growth of moderate strategy
A Low Turn-Over, Total Return strategy with a balanced approach to preservation of capital and market returns

This is made up of a mix of more reliable, protective funds and some higher risk investments. If the main goal is to optimize risk and return, this option provides a balance of both.
Pie chart showing 50% of series fund and 50% of S&P500

25% per year

growth strategy

Chart showing growth of the strategy
Low Turn-Over, Total Return strategy with a bias to capital appreciation.

The strategy is aimed at earning high income, so the risks can also be high. Investing aggressively can result in losses, even if the return opportunity is high.
Chart showing 100% of equities

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