Disclosure: This information does not constitute an offer to sell, or a solicitation of an offer to invest in the Funds. Any such offer will be made exclusively to qualified investors on a private placement basis, and only by means of the Fund’s private placement memorandum, which contains detailed information concerning the investment terms and the risks associated with an investment. Past performance is not an indicator of future results. The potential for loss exists with this investment.
Lend Academy Investments LLC (“Lend Academy”) (d/b/a/ as LendingRobot and NSR Invest is a registered investment adviser which develops, markets, supplies and services investment and investment management products for institutional investors. Lend Academy does not itself offer these services to retail investors. Such information is not intended for, and is not suitable for, retail and individual investors, and any retail or individual investors viewing such information should discontinue doing so.
All services and products and related data, calculations, and other content and information are provided by Lend Academy “as is” and are referred to as “Lend Academy Content.” Lend Academy does not guarantee that Lend Academy Content is error free, complete, accurate, correct, or timely, or that the analytical principles, techniques, methods, and calculations used in creating Lend Academy Content are either sound or free of logical, scientific, methodological, or epistemological misunderstandings, mistakes, errors, omissions, oversights, or other deficiencies, imperfections, or flaws.
Lend Academy Content relies on historical observations as well as a limited and imperfect knowledge of funds, securities, managers, investment strategies, indices, and the markets, and should not be relied upon to predict future market movements or to assess the future performance of market participants, securities, investment products, or investment advisers. Lend Academy Content could inadvertently misrepresent the historical, current, and future risk and return characteristics of a specific fund, security, index, or strategy if any of their respective returns have been inaccurately represented in any way to Lend Academy.
Lend Academy Content includes investment models with back-tested performance results. The gross and net results of back-tested performance in Lend Academy Content are based on simulated and hypothetical portfolios which have certain inherent limitations. Back-tested results do not represent actual trading. The results shown may have under- or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors such as lack of liquidity or the ability to obtain the prices that have been assumed. Back-tested results are thus dependent on the availability of historical data which exceeds the period covered by the back-test.
Data included in Lend Academy Content has been obtained from publicly available information, and other third-party sources believed by Lend Academy to be reliable. Lend Academy has not sought to independently verify information obtained from public and third-party sources and makes no representations or warranties as to the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or reliability of such information.