Notice: NSR invest and LendingRobot are now one company doing business as Lending Robot
square purple bot moving around

Unlock access to alternative investments exclusive to select investors

Join a niche group of investors diversifying their portfolios with unique alternative investment opportunities. Not sure where to start? Fill out the form below and we will help you find products that may fit your goals.
the image of DJ console surrounded by icons of stocks and charts with investing strategy performance
the image of DJ console surrounded by icons of stocks and charts with investing strategy performance
the image of DJ console surrounded by icons of stocks and charts with investing strategy performance
the image of DJ console surrounded by icons of stocks and charts with investing strategy performance
the image of DJ console surrounded by icons of stocks and charts with investing strategy performance
the image of DJ console surrounded by icons of stocks and charts with investing strategy performance
the image of DJ console surrounded by icons of stocks and charts with investing strategy performance
the image of DJ console surrounded by icons of stocks and charts with investing strategy performance
the image of DJ console surrounded by icons of stocks and charts with investing strategy performance

LendingRobot, gives you access to:

· P2P funds
· Private (non-public) investment strategies
Hexagon image representing one of 4 products
Hexagon image representing one of 4 products
Hexagon image representing one of 4 products
See how alternative investments fit into a strategy below:
pie chart including 40% stocks, 50% bonds and 10% of other instruments
pie chart icluding 5% pre-IPO, 5% Lending Robot, 30% conservative strategy, 50% Safe IIP, 5% stocks, 5% bonds



PORTFOLIO using alternative investments with Lending Robot

Other instruments
Lending Robot
Conservative strategy
'Safe' IB

LendingRobot lets you go beyond stocks & bonds

Volatility is market-dependent and can be less stable with fewer investment types
Low Volatility, excellent diversification and low dependence of market

Client Solution Examples

Kate M.

Kate tends to be more conservative with her investing. She prefers to minimize her risk with lower volatility investment products and is okay with having smaller or slower return rates.
IB all in
Lending Robot
IB safe
IB all in
IB safe

John B.

John is wants to do what he can to maximize his potential for return on his investments. He is comfortable with risk in order to potentially increase his profitability of his investments.

Not sure which tool is right for you? Let's talk.